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Friday, June 26, 2009

4 Key Strategies to Making Money Online With Affiliate Marketing With Little Or No Money

As long as you have access to a computer and an internet connection, you will be able to earn money.


One of the most popular affiliate marketing business models these days is blogging. You can get started blogging for free using a hosted blog solution like I don't recommend this if you have the money to invest for a domain and web hosting, but it's a good way to get started if you don't. Blogging requires you to be at least moderately skilled in writing. You need to be consistent, because you need to be capable of posting to your blog on a regular basis, at least once per week. One of the big secrets to success with blogging is to update often. Google loves fresh content, and they like to rank it high in their results. Posting regularly helps keep your blog fresh, and it will eventually help it rank well. If you don't like to write, or if you don't feel you could be consistent enough to update regularly, blogging might not be the right business model for you.

Bum Marketing

Web 2.0, Bum Marketing, Article Marketing - Web 2.0 marketing, also called bum marketing, uses completely free methods of making money. This is why it's called "bum marketing"... because it's done without money. Basically, you write articles and submit them to various places that accept free articles. Then you can include your affiliate advertisements on those sites. There are many different sites you can use this way. is perhaps the most popular. It is an article directory, and users can write articles and add them to the directory in order to have a couple of links in a box at the end of the article. This box, known as the "resource box", "bio box", or "author box", can house affiliate links (although you must link to a domain that is being forwarded to the affiliate link) or a link to a site you own. This site can be another web 2.0 site like or You can also use the articles you write to make web pages on sites like,, and These sites are free to use, and you can use them to promote your affiliate offerings.

Review Sites

Review sites have been taking the internet by storm recently. They are a super way to make money with affiliate products, because so many people like to search for reviews of products before they buy them. You will ideally want your own domain for this to give it more credibility. You might buy something like if you wanted to review various coffee pot models. In order to appear completely impartial, you would want to give some models a poor review, others average, and only a few models a really good review. Also, you'd want to be sure that you didn't give the most expensive items the best reviews. That would look very fishy to your visitors. The only way review sites work is if the visitor truly believes the reviews are impartial and unbiased.

Pay-Per-Click Marketing

PPC marketing is a fantastic way to make money with affiliate products, but it does take a lot of thought, planning, and practice. It is very common to lose money for a while in PPC, until you learn how to set up profitable campaigns. PPC takes quite a bit of investment. Although most PPC companies don't require you to pay up front, you will have to pay your bill in about a month. If you don't pay, your ads could be suspended, and you could even lose your account and be banned for life. The problem is, most affiliate marketing companies won't pay you in time for you to pay for your PPC marketing costs. A lot of affiliate companies pay monthly, or even quarterly. The checks might not arrive before your bill is due. Plus, if you spend a lot of money, sometimes the company will require you to pay for your clicks ahead of time. For example, if you suddenly ran up $500 in clicks at Google AdWords, they might temporarily halt your ads until you paid for the $500 you had already spent. Considering that you could easily spend $500 in a single day if you set up a lot of campaigns with large daily limits, you might lose your account way before your affiliate check ever arrives.

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

You Have the Right to Remain Affiliate Marketing

Upon hearing about people supposedly making a lot of money from affiliate marketing, you might have thought "that is impossible" or "only a few really make money with it".

However, nothing can be farther from reality, because the fact is that affiliate marketing is a realistic way to make money, not only that, it is an actual and consolidated business model that integrates as a very important part of the whole world economy.

So when you think about this business, get out of your head the idea of this being some "hocus pocus" trick or some "internet shortcut to millions".

The fact is that there is a great deal of people making a lot of money from this business, and the only thing they have done different than you is that they have gone fore it, the have exercised their god given right to affiliate marketing.

Believe me, there is nothing else to it, you can make money from affiliate marketing without any special credentials, skills or financial status, because the fact is that you need almost no money to start building a solid business as an affiliate.

All you need is to say "go" and start moving toward your goals. The only obstacle so to speak between you and a five or six figure income is time and dedication.

If you commit yourself to learning and you add some effort to the mix, you will achieve results so great and so fast you will have no choice but to come here and share it with others as I am now.

So make no mistake about it, affiliate marketing is not just some way to make extra cash, is your right to make a living online, and the only thing that can prevent your from exercising that right is yourself.

Learn how you can start a solid affiliate marketing business and achieve actual results fast at:

How to Make a Lot of Money by Affiliate Marketing Fast

There are many ways to make money by affiliate marketing, and the fact of the matter is that depending on what way you choose to pursue you will make money fast or not.

Indeed, I will skip the discussion about whether it is possible or not to make money by affiliate marketing because there is no question that this is a business model that not only works, it works like a charm and you need little to no money in order to make it work big time.

Now, what are the fastest ways to make money by affiliate marketing faster?

As you may or may not know, there affiliates get paid to promote other people's products which in turn generates a commission.

However, there are two basic ways of generating an affiliate commissions:

1. By selling a product.

2. By providing a lead.

The first one simply involves getting someone to pay for a product that they will receive, usually via download and in some cases physically (depending on the kind of affiliate program you are participating in).

The second one does not involve selling anything, it involves only getting your prospect to provide information (often an email, an application or a trial offer), so in many cases your prospect will not even have to pull his or her wallet to complete the task you will be paid for. This is what is called CPA (cost per acquisition).

As you can imagine, CPA and has the potential to get you to profits faster, because a person is likely to have a lot less resistance to your offer if he or she does not have to pay anything or only have to pay shipping and handling for a free trial of a product they get to keep.

So if you want to make money by affiliate marketing really fast, you must dedicate yourself to mastering everything there is to know about CPA. Maverick Money Makers will help you achieve just that faster than any other educational resource.

For additional information about Maverick Money Makers visit this affiliate marketing review